Welcome to the SUNFLAIR® Blog
We visit lots of great places and meet so many wonderful people all over the country and all over the world. You can see all about our great adventures here.
SUNFLAIR® Shakes it in Yucca Valley
Emergency professionals and volunteers demonstrated what might happen after a earthquake or other disaster, at the Hi-Desert Star’s building and parking lot.
SUNFLAIR® participates in Great American Shakeout
Here’s the official flyer for the October 18 Shakeout event. Melinda Seller of SUNFLAIR will be talking about solar cooking and Mara Cantelo of Tender Loving Christmas will be talking food storage. If you’re in the High Desert area, come by and see us!
SUNFLAIR® at HealthyLife Radio celebration
HealthyLife’s celebrity guest will be Current TV radio host Stephanie Miller.
SUNFLAIR® part of Great American Shakeout
SUNFLAIR will be part of the Great American Shakeout on October 18 as part of Yucca Valley’s Community Disaster Preparedness Day.
Here’s a link to Melinda’s appearance on “The Fork Report” on KFI-AM last week.
SUNFLAIR® and Power Outages
Hurricanes and earthquakes get a lot of press, but what about more commonplace occurrences like a power outage? You don't have to live on the Gulf Coast or Ring of Fire to experience that. As National Preparedness Month officially kicks off, remember that disasters...
EARTHQUAKES: Don’t Wait for the Big One
This map shows a recent earthquake swarm that hit Imperial Valley, California a few days ago, followed a day later by a 7.4 quake in El Salvador. Unlike hurricanes, earthquakes don’t allow for any prep time.
September is National Preparedness Month. Hurricane Isaac serves as a reminder that we all need to be prepared.
KFI Photo
SUNFLAIR® Founder and CEO Melinda Seller on KFI’s Fork Report.
SUNFLAIR® on the Radio
We’ll be on The Fork Report on KFI AM 640 in Los Angeles Sat, August 26 at 3:15pm. Give us a listen as we talk to Neil about Solar Cooking.
SUNFLAIR® on Santa Monica Update
Just posted on Youtube: our interview with Tamara Henry of Santa Monica Update.
SUNFLAIR® & SoLA Food Co-op
SUNFLAIR is participating in the SoLA Food Co-op Summer “Fun Raiser” at Cafe Club Fais Do Do in Los Angeles
Arizona Bushman reviews SUNFLAIR®
Noted survivalist, Arizona Bushman, has reviewed our solar oven and water pasteurizing indicator on his YouTube channel.
SUNFLAIR® at Los Feliz Village Street Fair
Thanks to those who took advantage of our event specials at the Los Feliz Village Street Fair! SUNFLAIR.net
SUNFLAIR® at Tustin Chili Cook-Off
The SUNFLAIR Solar Oven booth at the Tustin Street Fair and Chili Cook-Off. Check out our recipe for Chili & Cheese biscuits on the recipe page. SUNFLAIR.net
SUNFLAIR® on YouTube
SUNFLAIR Solar Ovens now has its own YouTube channel, called appropriately SUNFLAIRSolarOvens.
SUNFLAIR® at Santa Monica Festival
SUNFLAIR Solar Ovens were selling briskly at this year’s Santa Monica Festival in Santa Monica, CA. We will be featured in the first two weeks of June on Santa Monica’s local “City TV”, channel 16, with Tamara Henry. SUNFLAIR.net
More Pix from Stagecoach
SUNFLAIR® Solar Ovens continue to sizzle in the Indio heat this weekend at the Stagecoach Music Festival. SUNFLAIR.net
SUNFLAIR® at Stagecoach Music Festival
SUNFLAIR Solar Ovens has a booth at the 2012 Stagecoach Music Festival! Check out today’s photos. SUNFLAIR.net
Cooking Pre-Packaged Foods
SUNFLAIR® solar ovens can cook can cook off-the-shelf pre-packaged foods such as ramen, rice or pasta dishes.